As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, we totally understand that your wedding dress shopping experience may be a little different to perhaps a traditional set up. That’s why we have created something special to ensure you get a memorable bridal shopping day for all the right reasons.
As an LGBTQ+ friendly bridal store, we are passionate about making sure every single bride has the opportunity to fall in love with their dream dress. If there are two brides in the wedding then we understand that you could want to shop together. As you step in front of the mirror for the first time, we want you to feel that rush of excitement, anticipation and raw emotion that means you’ve found the one. We get it if you want your partner there to experience this special moment with you.
Equally if you choose to have a more “traditional” approach and want to keep the mystery of your wedding dresses to the big day – we got you!
We have a few options for you when there are two brides in the wedding both looking for their dresses.
Love is Love – Come Together
We want your appointment to be about you and how you want to shop. If you are two brides who are marrying each other and want to visit us to look for both dresses at the same time together, we can easily accommodate this.
All you need to do is to book 2 appointments back to back (you need to book the same type of appointment) and just let us know in the interview form sent to you that you want to try on together. This means that this area is all yours for up to 4 hours.
If you want complete privacy you may want to upgrade and choose our ultra private VIP suite which will easily accommodate 2 Brides plus up to 3 adult guests (ie 5 people in total). You will received Prosecco/Nosecco, sweets and popcorn
If you would prefer a free bridal appointment, then you can book you in for a double appointment during the week. Just book 2 x “Bridal Try on – Free (weekdays)”appointments one after the other and comment in the notes that you would prefer to shop together.
Love is Love – Keep it a surprise
This package is designed for couples who want to keep their dress a surprise from each other but would like some input from us to ensure you don’t pick the same dress/accessories and that you both compliment each other.
You can choose to come on the same day (you can choose your appointments one after the other) or you can choose to come on a different date. Just select from any of our usual appointments:
- VIP Bridal Try On
- Bubbles and Bons Bons Bridal Try on
- Free Weekday Bridal Try On
*please note these appointments are for one bride to try on so please make sure you book two and include your partners name in the notes so we know that you are marrying each other.
Once you have decided what type of appointment you require, please head to our Appointment page to book in to see us. We can’t wait to meet you!